The weekend of 8 Jul 11, Tracy and I decided to try a new trail in the Gros Ventre Wilderness in Wyoming, just south of the Tetons. This was our first trip of the summer this year because the snow just didn’t want to melt. It finally looked like we would be able to do the trail, though. So we headed up the Granite Highline Trail on Saturday after spending Friday night in Pinedale. This trail was steep for the first mile or so, but after that it leveled out and got really pretty. This was the first high altitude backpack of the year so we were moving slowly and Tracy wanted to stop after about 4 miles. So we set up camp and I hiked an another couple of miles. The trail was really nice…there were absolutely no mosquitoes…and we only saw one other person. It was great. This was grizzly country, but we didn’t see any signs of bear at all. This was a really good hike, and I think we’ll do more hiking out in this area.
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