The weekend of 1 Mar 08, I took off for Lake Powell to see if I could find a way to hit the water further up river on the north side of the lake. I wanted to find a place to launch our kayaks, because I want to get further upriver, but I don’t want to take a week to do it, and I don’t want to pay the prices charged by Aramark to ferry us up there. So I did some driving. But I didn’t find anything. Oh well. The lake levels are so low that you just can’t get close to the water from any back roads, anymore. No big deal. I found some really great views from up on Romana Mesa. I was able to look down into both Warm Creek Bay and Padre Bay…places we had kayaked before. It was cool just being at the top of the huge mesa that we had stared up at from 1200 feet below. I also did some hiking around Warm Creek Bay…the desert can be so relaxing. So it was still a great trip…the desert is nice.
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