On 30 Jun 12, Tracy and I took a backpacking trip up the East Fork of the Bear River. We had just checked out this trail for the first time a couple of weeks earlier, and it seemed flat enough for Tracy to try with her healing ankle. So we did about 5.5 miles up the trail until her ankle started to hurt, and then set up camp. The first few miles were easy and flat with some nice meadows along the river. After about 3 miles or so the trail reached an intersection and then started climbing up around a waterfall on the river. The climb wasn’t too bad, though, and then the trail got really swampy, making it hard to hike without sinking in mud. Where it wasn’t swampy, it had a lot of cow dung, so that wasn’t fun. We eventually made it to a nice meadow and found a good campsite. I hiked up ahead a little and saw the cirque around Allsop Lake, and I think we’ll have to go back later and hike to the lake.
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