Over the long weekend of July 4, 2008, Chris and Stacia flew in from Seattle and we all four went to the Tetons and Yellowstone for the weekend. The Tetons were pretty crowded, so we camped Friday night just outside of the south entrance of Yellowstone. Saturday we tried to get a permit to backpack to Shoshone Lake, but the snow was too bad, so we got a permit for Heart Lake. We hiked 10 miles out to the south end of the lake and set up camp. The hike was nice and fairly flat. We saw a geyser erupt in the geyser basin, so that was cool. The bugs were pretty bad, but we didn’t have too much of a problem with them. The backpack was 20 miles, so I was happy to have done that kind of distance…and with no pain or blisters.
We didn’t really see any wildlife over the whole weekend, which was a little strange for Yellowstone.
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