Tracy and I went home for Thanksgiving 2007…we decided to try our luck at Thanksgiving since Christmas always seems so wild. Thanksgiving was wild, too, so we’ll probably stick to Christmas. But the weather and season were outstanding. I REALLY love fall back home, and I need to go every year if I can, I think. On November 18, 2007, I went out to the Obed River with Larry…somehow I once again tricked him into hiking about 6 miles…I still don’t know how he keeps falling for those tricks after all these years. On November 19, 2007, I took another hike by myself up to the Bald River Trail. I had another great hike, where I didn’t see a soul after the first half mile. The leaves were turning and falling…the weather was great…man, I love it out there. I also sat at Indian Boundary Lake for awhile…also great. Then on November 20, 2007, my dad and I hiked around Norris Lake at Loyston Point. That is a really nice place this time of year, also. We hiked a little cross-country while I taught my dad how to use the GPS. The weather was just perfect, and the leaves were falling in the steady breeze. This was the weather that makes me want to move back home and never leave.
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