The weekend of September 25, 2009, Tracy and I decided to check out Forest Service cabins in Idaho. We spent Friday night at a pretty nice cabin in the Bear River Range outside of Soda Springs, ID. We got up on Saturday morning, walked around a little, read a little, then headed out. We spent the rest of the day checking out cabins between Soda Springs and Driggs, ID. We found several cabins, and a couple of them looked pretty nice. We came out of the mountains in Alpine, WY, and then spent the night in Driggs. We hiked around a little in the Jebediah Smith Wilderness on the west side of the Tetons on Saturday night, and decided to hike more of it on Sunday. So on Sunday we spent the day on the Teton Canyon Trail. This was a really nice hike, with some decent fall colors. We had the trail to ourselves going in, but ran into quite a few people on the way out. After getting back to the car, we checked out a couple of more cabins on the way back home.
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