The weekend of June 23, 2012, Tracy and I went to check out the road over Union Pass in Wyoming. Somehow we had never been up this road, so I really wanted to check it out. The ranger station told us there was still an impassable snow drift near the pass, but the road turned out to be completely open, so we drove from the Pinedale side to the Dubois side. We checked out a few trailheads at Tosi Creek and Kinky Creek, and decided we really needed to hike out here more. We then spent the night in Dubois. I really like Dubois’ proximity to some great wilderness areas and parks: within a couple of hours you can be in the Gros Ventre Wilderness, Washakie Wilderness, Teton Wilderness, Grand Teton National Park, and Yellowstone National Park…hard to beat that. The only problem is the crazy way they pronounce the name of the town… The next day we checked out the Double Cabin Trailhead at the Washakie Wilderness before heading back home.
This was a great weekend. We really want to spend more time in the Gros Ventre Wilderness and the area around Union Pass.
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