Panthertown Valley

In October 2004, David and I headed up to Panthertown for a day hike.  I really wanted to hike up to Cold Mountain.  I had never been to the Devil’s Elbow side of Panthertown, nor had I been up Cold Mountain.  Well, we made it to Devil’s Elbow without much incident, and then we tried to head up Cold Mountain.  First, it took us a while to find the trail.  The old guy who used to cut trails in here sometimes makes them a little confusing.  We eventually found the trail, though, and headed up the mountain.  Then we seemed to have missed the trail up to the top, and we hiked a long way past it and just kept going.  Eventually we figured we must have missed the trail, and we turned around.  On the way back, we found the correct trail right where I expected it to be, but we didn’t have time to go up it and get back before dark, so we went on back to the car.  Oh well…next time.


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