Boundary Waters

Here are some pictures from a vacation we took to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota in August 2004. This was a five day canoe trip through Boundary Waters. We started at Island River, went down to the Isabella River, paddled across Bald Eagle Lake and Gabbro Lake, and then went down the Kawishiwi River. We went looking for moose and wolves. Surprisingly, we did not see or even hear either of them. We did see a few bald eagles and beavers, but that was about it. The best part, though, was that we did not see any people at all for 3 of the 5 days we were out. In fact, the only people we saw the whole trip were on Bald Eagle and Gabbro Lakes. That was really nice. This was a great trip and I would definitely like to go back and explore more of this huge wilderness.

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