On May 14, 2016, we headed up to Stratton Bald, The original plan was to backpack, but the forecast for the night was not good, so we decided to car camp and then day hike up to the bald on Sunday. We explored around on Saturday, and then I did some late evening hiking on the Wolf Laurel Trail on Saturday night. After I got back to the truck, we found a campsite near the Wolf Laurel Trailhead and settled in for the night. The forecast was calling for very high winds, so we were careful to find a site that looked like it didn’t have something that would fall on us.
We survived the night and then started up to Stratton Bald early on Sunday morning. We had the trail and the bald completely to ourselves, which was great. The overnight storm had iced up the trees on the bald, so that was really pretty. Stratton Bald is always beautiful…it’s definitely one of my favorite places in the south-east.
On the way back down, we passed a group who said some trees had been blown over further down the road, but they had cleared them out of the way. I think we made the right call not to backpack that night.
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