The weekend of 15 Jan 10, Tracy and I did an 8 mile loop in Wildhorse Canyon. This was a nice, relaxing hike. We hiked to the end of the canyon then hiked across the slickrock back towards the road and then finished the loop via the road. There was considerably more snow than I expected and they told us in Green River that they hadn’t had this much snow in over 15 years. We tried to drive out to Chute Canyon but there was more snow than I was comfortable with driving in. There was virtually no snow on the south side of the swell, near Bell Canyon, so we may go back there later in the season. On Sunday we hiked on some slickrock in Poison Spring Canyon. The weather on Sunday was nicer and we had a good time just exploring the slickrock. We tried to drive down to the Dirty Devil River, but we ran into a solid sheet of ice on the road and had to turn back. We drove back home through Capitol Reef. This was a nice weekend, but the snow down south made it tougher to get around.
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