Roosevelt National Park

Over the Labor Day weekend of August 31, 2007, Tracy and I headed to Roosevelt National Park in north west North Dakota. Of course, everyone warned us that this trip would rank up there with our Arkansas trip a few years ago, but Tracy had never been…

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Granddaddy Mountain

On 25 Aug 07, Tracy and I headed up to the Uintas for a cross country hike to the top of East Granddaddy Mountain above Granddaddy Basin of the Uinta Mountains.  This was a really cool hike.  The entire hike was above treeline so that made for…

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Titcomb Basin

The week of August 5, 2007, David and I took a backpacking trip to the Wind River Range in Wyoming. We started at the Elkhart Park trailhead and headed up to Titcomb Basin. I was little apprehensive about hiking this trail, because I was worried that it…

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