Airsoft July 2019

We’ve been trying for a few years to get a solid group of people to play airsoft with us, and we finally have a good number of people with whom we enjoy playing.  I had been thinking about playing at a field in Lebanon, TN, that lets you have the field all to yourself.  So once we had enough people to make it fun, I reserved the field.  Unfortunately, the owners had put the field up for sale, so I was afraid it would get sold before we got a chance to play in the cooler weather, so I reserved it for July.

We ended up with a large group, and it was a great day of airsoft.  The field is big, with a lot of cool buildings and features, so we had a blast.  Well, we had a blast until an early afternoon rain came through and drove up the humidity.  The sun came back out, and it was miserable outside.  To this day, I don’t know how we struggled through that heat and humidity.  It was crazy.  But we did struggle through it, and still had a great day.

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