Herring Cave

On September 10, 2016, I took a caving trip with the Huntsville Grotto.  We planned to go to one private cave, but we couldn’t find the landowner to get permission, so we headed to Herring Cave in Madison County.  It’s an easy walk from the road to the cave, and the passage quickly enters the stream and requires plenty of wading.  We reached what we thought was the back of the cave where there was a deep pool, but we found passage that climbed up on the right and continued on.  This passage had some very small tunnels, and there was a very exposed section around a pit.  We could have explored more here, but we were running out of time, so we turned around and headed back out.

This cave is only a few minutes from my house, and while it didn’t have many decorations, it’s not a bad cave.

This is not the actual location of the cave.

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