Nokhu Crags

In February 2002 we hiked around the Nokhu Crags in the Colorado State Forest. We also drove around looking for moose. We actually found our first moose here. It was at a moose overlook…which we thought was ridiculous. We drove out to the overlook just so we could make fun of it. I mean, how could they predict where the moose would be? So we stood there on the platform and made fun of it. And after about 5 minutes, Tracy said, “Hey, is that a moose down there?” We stared for another 5 minutes while I argued that it was a tree, and she argued that for a tree it was sure twitching its ears a lot. After about 5 minutes, the “tree” finally moved its head, and it was definitely a cow moose. So we then had to make fun of ourselves…although, Tracy was mostly just making fun of me…  Either way, we still saw our first moose, so that was cool.

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