Ruby Mountains

The Ruby Mountains Wilderness in Nevada is less than four hours from Salt Lake, and I had seen some pictures of the mountains that looked really nice.  So on the weekend of 22 Sep 06, Tracy and I headed to the Ruby Mountains to check them out.  These mountains are really pretty, even though they’re a narrow chain in the Great Basin.  They get up over 10,000 feet, so they have an unusual alpine feel for being in the middle of the desert.  We pretty much had the trail to ourselves after a couple of miles on our way in, but on our way out the trail was very crowded.  In fact, it was unusually crowded…we ran into five groups of more than six people.  It was like this was the trail for big families and big groups.  And they were all horribly loud.  We started at Lamoille Canyon and hiked up to Liberty Pass and over to a great view of Liberty Lake.  At Lamoille Lake the snow became about 10 inches deep, so that was fun.  This was a very pretty hike, but I can imagine this trail is infested by people in the summer.  We may have to check out some of the less accessible trail heads into the wilderness.

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