The weekend of October 6, 2006, Tracy, Jessica, and I went to Yellowstone. Jessica had never been, so when she came to visit we figured that would be a good place to take her. We also planned on taking her to the Tetons since the last time she visited the Tetons they were covered in snow clouds and she couldn’t see them at all. This time they were covered in rain clouds. But she saw them at night, and she could see the base of them this time, so she at least knows now that they exist!
But we had a really good trip to Yellowstone. We saw a pretty big grizzly. It was the closest and biggest grizzly Tracy and I have seen. We also saw a good herd of bugling elk, and we hiked back out to Imperial Geyser and Fairy Falls. We need to start checking out some new trails in Yellowstone, though. That place is just so huge, and every time I go I feel a little overwhelmed at all the possibilities. The strange thing about that is that the first time I went to Yellowstone I didn’t even want to go because of my perception of all the throngs of people. But as long as you avoid the Old Faithful area, you can get away from the people pretty well. But we stayed one night in West Yellowstone, one night in Cooke City, and one night camping in the Tetons. It was a really good trip.
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