Chattooga River

The weekend of May 9, 2015, Tracy and I took a backpacking trip to the Chattooga River on the border of South Carolina and Georgia.  This was our first backpacking trip into the Appalachians since we moved back east, and I wanted to be sure Tracy enjoyed the trip.  So I picked a fairly flat trail that ran along water for much of the way. 

We began at Russell Bridge and headed up river towards Burrell’s Ford.  The trail was fairly flat, but there were a few uphill sections along the way.  And, of course, even though it was early May, it was already summer.  We just hiked about 7 miles and then scraped together a campsite after being unable to find an existing site.  It’s weird how hard it is to find an existing campsite in the backcountry in the Appalachians.  It just seems like few trails are actually regularly backpacked.

And then we got up the next morning and headed back.  I tried to get Tracy excited about the hike, but her feelings were, “Mile seven looked just like mile one, so I wondered why we went all the way to mile seven.”  Yeah, the Rockies have spoiled us.

But it was still nice to get outside.

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