Grizzly Ridge Yurt

The weekend of 11 Feb 11, Tracy and I decided to try snowshoeing out to a yurt, again. The last time we did the Limber Flag Yurt, but this time we decided to do the Grizzly Ridge Yurt that was just a little south-west of Limber Flag. We spent Friday night in Vernal, then started a little before noon on Saturday. We started at the Kane Hollow Trailhead, although we learned the next day that we should have started a little further up the road at the trailhead at the top of the ridge. Oh well. We started out without our snowshoes because the trail was pretty well packed. But after about 3/4 of a mile, the packed tracks all left the trail and headed down to the creek. I found out later that there was a popular cave down there. So we had to don our snowshoes for the next couple of miles. We didn’t have any real trouble or excitement on the hike, and after about 3 hours we made it to the yurt. Snowshoeing certainly wore us out, though…I guess we probably just don’t do it often enough, but it always kicks our butts.

But once we got to the yurt, we got to the tasks of chopping wood, starting a fire, making dinner, setting up sleeping gear, and, you know, just relaxing!

Tracy decided to try her hand at chopping wood, which is worth a good laugh if you want to watch the video!

The next day we didn’t linger around too much, as usual, and we hit the trail and headed back to the car for an uneventful hike out. We liked this yurt better than the other one because we had more luck with the wood burning stove. At Limber Flag, we were never able to heat up the yurt. At Grizzly Ridge, we actually ended up pretty hot inside. There wasn’t as much fresh powder this time, so the snowshoeing wasn’t as hard. We need to do more snowshoeing, but it’s so hard to do with southern Utah beckoning every weekend.

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