Notch Mountain

The weekend of 29 Sep 07, Tracy and I decided to hike around the Uintas and enjoy the great fall colors.  What we got on Saturday, however, was an early season snow storm.  Good times.  So we hiked about a mile past Fehr Lake and enjoyed the snow.  The wind was really blowing, and I wasn’t really prepared for that kind of cold, so we didn’t hike all that much.  We headed back home, and then tried again after the storm passed on Sunday.  Sunday was incredible.  We hiked to Notch Mountain and had the normally crowded trail all to ourselves because of the previous day’s snow storm.  The trail had about 6 inches of snow, but the day was clear and warming up…we knew it would be mud before we made it back…we were right.  When we got to Wall Lake, we were greeted by a good-sized moose.  Wall Lake was also really pretty.  Then we kept going and hiked up to the notch in Notch Mountain.  That was also a nice view.  By then the snow was melting, and the trail was getting muddy.  We went down to Twin Lakes and just sat and enjoyed the day for awhile then we started back.  We stopped and read on the side of Wall Lake for awhile, and then headed home.  Sunday was a great day, and I love the Uintas when you can escape the people.

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