
The weekend of May 1, 2009 we headed back up to Yellowstone…I really can’t seem to get enough of that place. We drove up on Friday and stayed in West Yellowstone. On Saturday we hiked the Blacktail Deer Creek Trail. This was a really nice trail that we hadn’t hiked before. We saw a lot of bison, a lot of elk, some elk antlers, and even a very large canine track in the snow that we think was a wolf print. Of course, I also got overrun with ticks…I had never gotten a tick in the Rockies, so that was weird. That night we stayed in Cooke City (of course) where it snowed on us.

The next day we headed back into the park and hiked at the Garnet Hill Trail. This was also a really nice trail. We saw bison, elk, and a coyote. There were some really nice views of the Yellowstone River, and we just had a nice, relaxing day meandering cross-country. We thought at one point we were going to see a bear, because we saw a couple of herds of bison running away from the same place in different directions, as well as two bison actually swim across the Yellowstone. We were hoping they were trying to get away from something, but we never saw anything. After getting back to the truck we started back home. We saw a grizzly on the side of the road above Mammoth, so that was good. All in all, as always, we had a really good trip.

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