Cat Canyon

On April 15, 2006, Tracy and I headed to Cat Canyon in western Utah, just south of Delta. Having learned our lesson about early spring hikes in the Uintas, we decided to head to the desert mountains. I had read that mountain lions frequented this area, so I wanted to check it out. We ended up changing plans a little and drove first to the Great Basin National Park. We had been seeing signs for it on the interstate ever since we got here, so we drove on out there since we were so close. Well, I guess there’s a cave there that might be cool, but it was really crowded, so we didn’t go to the cave. And the rest of the park wasn’t anything impressive. So we quickly marked it off the list and went on to Cat Canyon. We backpacked in a couple of miles and set up camp in a nice field. The wind was horrific all night, so that was a lot of fun. But the trail was really nice. There were nice, open fields there in the desert mountains, and it was just really relaxing…and no snow! We didn’t see any mountain lions or wild horses. We also didn’t go all the way to Little Horse Heaven, which is supposed to be really nice. We may go back to check that out. But it was definitely a nice early spring hike.


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