Hambrick Cave

On July 9, 2018, I went kayaking with some people from the Huntsville Grotto to Hambrick Cave on Guntersville Lake.  There is generally a large colony of gray bats that spend live in Hambrick Cave and fly out at dusk over the lake.  The cave is about a 30 minute paddle from Guntersville Lake Dam.  As the sun set, bats began to fly out of the cave.  They fly right over you as you sit on the lake, so that’s cool.  Unfortunately, there weren’t as many bats as in typical years, and they exited later than normal, so it was pretty dark when they were coming out.  But it was still really cool.  No one knew exactly why there weren’t as many as usual, but we’ll just have to go back next year to see if it’s different.  The paddle back in the dark was really nice.

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